titik airy bahasa Inggris
- titik: cusp; dot; drop; point; full stop; period; stop;
- cakram airy: airy disk
- fase airy: airy phase
- fungsi airy: airy function
- hipotesis airy: airy hypothesis
- integral airy: airy integrals
- skala airy: airy scale
- titik: cusp; dot; drop; point; full stop; period; stop; mote; full point; corpuscle; decimal point; crush; target; speck; pearl; trickle; bead; dribble; aim; fleck; percentage point; stain; smudge; place;
- titik-titik: dotted
- jalinan titik-titik perhatian: a raft of concerns
- titik garis titik garis: dot and dash line
- titik-titik antisimpul: antinodal points
- titik-titik sefase: equiphase point
- batu titik: grinding stone; pestle
- bertitik-titik: dotty